It has been a joy to welcome the children into their new learning environment. In line with this month’s school value, courage has been witnessed by every member of the class during different moments this week. Getting to know each other and classroom routines, has been a priority. The text My Map Book (author Sara Fanelli), inspired the children to reflect on what/who has a special place in their heart. Each child created a map of their heart in response to the text. Our maps provided a visual to represent how we are all unique– one of the Damers “ways of being“.
We have started our first Enquiry of the academic year, “How does being outside make me feel good?”. An initial brainstorm highlighted varying perspectives about this question- we look forward to unpacking this further during our subject specific investigations. A focus on the Harmony Principal Oneness has encouraged us to spend time tuning into our bodies, during our daily mindfulness sessions.
Please download the home learning opportunities for ideas to support your child at home this half term.
Alongside daily learning challenges, the children have been learning to be responsible, kind and caring class members, through play. It has been lovely to observe teamwork towards a common goal (such as a mega marble run), as well as problem solving skills when friendships experience tension (asking for a timer to take turns!)
In maths this week, we have been counting, reading, writing and representing numbers to 10. Next week we plan to compare and order numbers by using the vocabulary one more, one less.
Reading books were sent home in your child’s book bag on Thursday, for them to read with you over the weekend. Please return them on Monday. If your child’s reading record was not in school, there is a post-it note on the book to remind you to look for it at home. If you cannot find it, please tell Mrs Lewis or Mrs Dursley. This communication between home and school is vital to support your child’s reading journey.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Mrs Lewis and Mrs Dursley.