In music we have been using a piece of music called Nautilus by Anna Meredith, to develop our understanding of these key words:
Pitch: the highness or lowness of a note.
Tempo: beat – a continuous steady pulse that occurs in music. This could be compared to a ticking clock or a pumping heart.
Duration: the length of a sound, often counted in beats. For instance, a 4-beat note should be counted ‘1,2,3,4’.
We have responded to the music in different ways with our bodies and explored sounds as images. We used research skills to find out more about musical scores, before the children created their own musical score.
Skipper 1 have really enjoyed this unique piece of music, particularly the animation and ballet versions of it. Here are the links for you to watch with your child at home. Can they express their opinion about why they prefer one video?