In PE for the last couple of weeks we have been experimenting on the equipment, developing gross motor skills (as well as social skills… waiting for your turn for example)! We have also started a routine of going for a run each Friday, in response to some children expressing their […]
This week
It was wonderful to meet with so many of you this week. Thank you for giving me your time to celebrate your child’s learning; sharing information so that we can work together to support key areas of development. During our daily calendar discussions, (where we identify the number of the […]
Literacy update
Before our next focus book is introduced to the children this week, we spent time exploring different types of questions, last week. Using a missing hat as inspiration, the children orally rehearsed different types of questions, before writing one independently, remembering to punctuate the question. Our questions helped to identify […]
Design Technology
This week the children developed their creative thinking skills by designing, making and evaluating a piece of playground equipment. We began our investigation by sharing our experiences and perspectives about what makes a good playground (thank you for sending in photos of your child at the park- this enhanced our […]
Promoting a love of reading
Reading is a central part of our week in year 1. In addition to guided reading groups three times per week and self-chosen library books once per week, there are many opportunities for the children to develop their love of reading through our class library. We have a selection of […]
Signs of autumn
Our science investigations led us outdoors this week, to spot the signs of autumn. The children used observational skills to collect evidence, take photos and draw pictures. If you spot any signs of Autumn over the weekend, please send us a photo via the year 1 email address: we would […]
This week…
In response to our literacy text Not a Stick, the children created stick wands, using different materials. Each unique wand provided inspiration for our whole class “adjective brainstorm.” Through role play, the children rehearsed their sentence “my _ _ wand can turn you into a _.” The children will use […]
Welcome back Skipper 1!
It has been a joy to welcome the children into their new learning environment. In line with this month’s school value, courage has been witnessed by every member of the class during different moments this week. Getting to know each other and classroom routines, has been a priority. The text […]
This week
We have enjoyed continuing our work on life cycles. Following our visit to the pond we have been using the photo’s of ourselves to write a recount of what we saw. Our challenge has been to write completely independently and we are very proud of what we have written. We […]